Monday, October 12, 2009

My TeAcHeR, My HeRo

T-rAnSforM mE intO

E-dUcAtEd hUmAn, In

A-gOny aNd PaIn yOuR tHerE bEsidE mE

C-aRiNg and guIding mE to reAcH mY GoAls

H-oPiNg yoU wIlL nEvEr gEt bOrEd wItH mE, You

E-mPhaSizEd wHaT a wOnDeRfUl LiFe iS, I wilL nEvEr

R-egReT yOu aS mY TeAcHer, My HeRo

Sunday, October 11, 2009

ImProVing ScIencE CuLtUre fOr a BrIghTeR FuTurE

September is the Science Month Celebration. The theme of the said celebration is "Adopting to Diverse Science Culture for Development".
The Science Club Officers and the teachers of the Science Department prepared different contests that would be participated by the students of Ilocos Sur National High School, like poster slogan, essay writing, noise barrage, Ginoo at Mutya ng Kalikasan '09.
We should take good care of our environment to save our mother earth. and for our brighter future we must preserved our nature for the next generation.
We must plant more trees, clean our environment, and we should also know how to put our garbage in the proper place.